Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Taylor got the Taser!

Went for my weekly Non-Stress Test today. Abigail passed with flying colors and this time Taylor was being lazy! She was sleeping soundly with a heartrate in the 130s when the Nurse decided to whip out the Taser. For those who have never seen or had a NST the "taser" as I like to call it is this vibrating apparatus that they put on your belly to wake the baby. Taylor's heartrate went from 130 to 170 in about a second. What a rude awakening! I could have just drank some juice. Anyway my Perinatologist was happy with her reaction and then proceeded to tell me that both girls are doing well and if they continue to do so, they can stay in until 38 weeks. What?!? I am already measuring 40 weeks and can't imagine another 5 weeks, but obviously I don't want to wish them out. Good news is I can do a little bit more at home. Like go downstairs!! Woo hoo!


Julie said...

I forgot about the Taser!! POor Taylor! hahaha. C had that done to her too! I totally forgot they had that! Then I figured out if I ate a piece of candy before the NST test, Chloe would totally spaz out, And then she'd get the hiccups!

Glad to hear you can move around a bit more, enjoy!!!!! :-)

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

awwww!! Our boys never got Tazer'ed, thank goodness! We had patient U/S techs!
Keep up the good work, momma!!